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VinUniversity's official student blog, for students, by students.

Times when Santa Claus visit VinUni

Times when Santa Claus visit VinUni

If you come to VinUni at Christmas, you’ll see a very astonishing scene. For students who are club’s members, especially the president (for example, me), Christmas is a great day to do projects, which leads to a battle to get a good place in the building’s lobby.

Thank-you note from CASsette

Thank-you note from CASsette

So CASsette has reached its final episodes. After more than 20 podcast episodes with super lovely wholesome guests, this has been a joyful journey as a host for me. CASsette is a podcast from College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) at VinUni. CASsette is where I and the guests who

Showing your love to the Earth

Showing your love to the Earth

Earth Hour is a special time that everyone might want to do something to celebrate. But the truth is that, majority of people only preserve the Earth exactly when it's Earth Hour, while still dumping toxic waste and using water excessively during the rest of the year. But did you

From V-infinity to Beyond

From V-infinity to Beyond

4 years passed in a blink of an eye. Under the bright light of a summer day, your memories flashed back to the day you enter VinUni. Who were you when you first became a VinUnian? A student full of hope and expectations. A young soul grappling with uncertainties about

It's time to revitalize your New Year resolutions

It's time to revitalize your New Year resolutions

As the New Year unfolds, the excitement of setting resolutions fills the air. However, as we all know, the real challenge lies in keeping those resolutions alive beyond the initial enthusiasm. In this article, unveil some psychological tricks used by VinUnians that can make your New Year goals not just

Claim your joy in 2024

Claim your joy in 2024

As we step into a brand new year, it's time to focus on the most important relationship of all – the one with ourselves. Self-love is not just a trendy phrase; it's a transformative journey that involves appreciating your physical, emotional, and spiritual self. Let's begin with a vital step in

2023 through the lens of a dream

2023 through the lens of a dream

Then a dream takes you back to the beginning of 2023. You will open your phone to check the results of the admissions for the foreign universities you desired and invested the second half of 2022 in. Then, you will cry all night on those status updates as the outcome