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Women’s education: Then and now

Once upon a time, not too long ago, girls didn't have the same chances to learn as boys. But then, something incredible happened. Let me take you on a journey through time, where we'll discover how women's education went from a distant dream to a shining reality.

Back in the 1800s, life was different. Girls went to school, but usually in separate classes from boys. They learned what they needed to know, but they didn't get the same opportunities as boys. But as the world changed and people realized that everyone deserves a chance to learn, things started to shift.

In 1837, a brave woman named Mary Lyon opened Mount Holyoke Female Seminary, a special college just for women. Can you imagine how exciting that must have been? Now, women could pursue their dreams of higher education, just like men. Then, in 1849, a woman named Elizabeth Blackwell became the first woman to graduate from medical school. People couldn't believe it! She showed everyone that women were just as smart and capable as men. But it didn't stop there. Lucy Hobbs Taylor became the first female dentist, and Ada Kepley became the first female lawyer in America just 10 years later. These incredible women proved that there was nothing they couldn't achieve.

This century also marks a big move in women's education in European countries as well: Germany allowed women to attend lectures in the late 1800s, France also made schooling compulsory and open their universities for application from women also around that time, and the United Kingdom opened their first co-educational university also in 1876.

As time went on, more and more women made their mark. Then, in the 20th century, women's right to receive education became a global hot issue. China started including girls in its education system in 1907. Japan also had their first women's university in 1900, and just 12 years later, this country had their first women to earn a Ph.D. degree! In our country Vietnam, which was colonized by France back then, was not out of the trend – we had our first girls’ secondary school called “Collège de Jeunes Filles Annamites” which is now Trung Vuong Middle School in Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi.

In 1983, even prestigious universities like Columbia finally opened their doors to women. It was a sign that times were changing, and women were finally getting the recognition they deserved.

And today, we're still moving forward. At VinUni, we believe that everyone deserves a chance to learn and succeed. That's why we offer the "Women in Tech'' scholarship, to help girls in the College of Engineering Computer Science pursue their dreams! In addition to the financial aid or merit scholarship that they received, girls in CECS can have another 5% deduction to their tuition, thanks to this Women in Tech scholarship. This encourages girls to pursue majors in computer science and engineering, which are less common among girls.

This month, let's together encourage women's right for education. Because when we empower women to succeed, we're not just changing lives – we're changing the world.




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