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What are VinUnians hustling with outside classes?

After school hours, what do you do? Many VinUnians choose some side hustles to fill up this time when they're not hitting the books? Today, let's dive into the stories of three hard working VinUnians and see how they're making the most of their time outside school hours.

Tran Ngoc Ha, a cohort 4 student, juggles roles as the chief editor of the “Sincerely, VinUnians” blog and a social media creator for the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS). As a social media creator, she hosts CASsette, a podcast series that interviews CAS students and faculty. This role allows her to hone her storytelling skills and fulfill her passion for bringing untold stories to light. Further details about her journey with CASsette can be found here:

Leading the “Sincerely, VinUnians” blog has taught Ha valuable leadership skills. She manages a team of students, arranges the posting schedule, creates content guidelines, keeps track of salaries, and proofreads posts. This experience is perfect preparation for her future leadership roles, allowing her to practice managing tasks and guiding a team towards success.

Meanwhile, Nguyen Tran Ngoc Minh, another cohort 4 student, has been an SAT tutor since her 12th grade year after scoring an impressive 1500 on the SAT. Balancing her hectic schedule at VinUni, she still finds time to tutor high school students for four hours a week. But this gig isn’t just about earning money to sustain her life away from home; it’s also about honing her communication skills. “My major is Communication, and it encompasses many aspects of communicating, including oral communication. Tutoring requires me to explain everything to my students in the most comprehensive manner, which is also a chance for me to practice oral communication. In the future, this will probably help me in tasks such as negotiating,” she says.

Ngoc Minh's tutoring session

Tutoring also enhances her problem-solving skills and patience. Each student presents unique challenges – missed homework, inattentiveness, or other issues – requiring her to stay calm and address problems kindly and effectively. These experiences are invaluable as she prepares for a career in public relations, where perseverance and clear communication are key.

Even more than that, Hoang Phuong Anh, also from cohort 4, managed to balance two jobs outside classes: she is a student ambassador for the admission office and a designer for the school library at the same time. Her role in admissions is particularly fulfilling. She loves education and interacting with people, so talking with prospective students from diverse backgrounds provides her with new insights into education in Vietnam and fresh perspectives on people.

“Personally, I’m interested in education and people, so working in admissions feels fun and not stressful. Talking with students from various backgrounds and interests gives me new insights into education in Vietnam and different perspectives, especially from younger students,” she shares. As a student ambassador, Phuong Anh helps spread VinUni’s values to more students, making the university more accessible. These roles align perfectly with her major in Communication and minor in Psychology, as they deepen her understanding of human interactions, essential for her future career.

These stories illustrate the incredible drive and dedication of VinUnians. Balancing demanding academic schedules with meaningful side hustles, they’re not only earning extra income but also gaining invaluable skills and experiences that will benefit their future careers. So, VinUni’s hard-working bumblebee, let's keep shining and inspiring us all!




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